

During Pregnancy

A series of blood test will be recommended to you during your pregnancy. Blood tests are a routine part of your antenatal care in pregnancy.

What blood tests you should expect when you are expecting?

Part of your prenatal care a series of routine blood tests will be requested by your clinician at different stages of gestation.

Why a blood test?

These blood tests will confirm the healthy progress of your fetus but also monitor your health.

When to perform blood analysis?

Usually specific routine blood tests are requested during 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th months of your pregnancy. Additional blood testing may be requested to monitor potential complications,such as anemia or diagnosis of possible infections.



A blood test should be expected during your first prenatal exam. A β-HCG blood tests will confirm your pregnancy.


Rh Factor:This blood test will reveal whether your Rh blood protein is compatible with your fetus. If not the Rh attacking antibodies might develop.

Glucose Levels: This blood test measuresthe body's ability to metabolize sugar and screen for gestationaldiabetes. If you have elevated glucose level your healthcare might request a glucose tolerance test.

Iron Levels: This blood test will determine if youhave iron deficiencies or moresusceptible for anemia. If your levels are low, your healthcare may prescribe iron tablets or injections.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A blood test for syphilis, hepatitis B, or HIV.

Rubella (German measles): The results of the bloodtest will determine if you have antibodies for rubella and whetheror not you are immune.

Toxoplasmosis:The results of the blood test will determine if you havethe toxoplasmosis infection. Toxoplasmosis is harmless to you, butit may cross the placenta and cause harm to the baby.

Full Blood Count:

Hemoglobin Levels: The blood test identifiesthe level of hemoglobin; the oxygen-carrying power of yourred blood cells. A treatmentfor anemia could be required if you are found the below normal range.

White blood cell count: This blood test monitors if you have an infection or, rarely, could be a sign of leukemia.

Platelet count: This test indicates sign of viral infection or an autoimmune condition or a problem with the bone marrow.

MONTHS 5th & 7th

Urine Analysis: It assesses bladder or kidney infections, diabetes,dehydration and preeclampsia by screeningfor high levels of sugars, proteins, ketones and bacteria.

Toxoplasmosis: Continuation of monitors for infection.

Full blood count: Part of your continuation monitoring the status of health components.

What are the risks of a blood test?

Other than the discomfort from drawing blood, a blood test posesno risks. These tests are a routinepart of your prenatal care and are important for monitoring the development of your baby.